Students have been encouraged to have hope and remain disciplined in order to make it in school and life. This call was made on Sunday, October 13, 2024 by Msgr. John Vianney Sunday Vicar General of Kabale Diocese at St. Gerald’s Secondary School Nyakibale in Rukungiri district. Preaching seeing Mass to celebrate St. Gerald’s Day, Msgr John Vianney Sunday warnes students who indulge in indisciplinary actions like vandalism, alcoholism, and sexual immorality among others to reconsider their behavior if they are to be successful.

Msgr. John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General of Kabale Diocese preaching at the celebration of St. Gerald’s Day on Sunday.


Msgr. John Vianney Sunday said that the Catholic Church establishes educational institutions based on three pillars, namely; God, Discipline and Wisdom plus understanding.

Any program/project which does not have God as its foundation/base is liable to fall. Therefore, we are here to entrust our beloved school and it’s programs to God. We are praying for students to remain disciplined and that God grants them wisdom and understanding in order to pass highly – Msgr. John Vianney Sunday.

On the same day, there was thanksgiving spearheaded by the Board of Governors (BOG) and PTA which saw over 43 million shillings collected in both cash and pledges. Rev. Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe, the Chairperson BOG for St. Gerald’s S.S Nyakibale thanked all that supported the school. He assured parents and the public that the school has been made new, with new administration led by Mr. Cleophas Agaba as the head teacher. In a special way, Fr. Ndyomugabe thanked Mr. Cleophas who has put in more efforts to rejuvenate the school and set it to new standard.

The Old Students under their umbrella St. Gerald’s Old Students Association (SGOSA) congratulated the school administration, parents and students upon celebration of St. Gerald’s Day. Mr. Paul Turacayisenga, Chairperson of SGOSA said the association was established in 2021 to bring together Old Students in order to support their ‘alma mater’ at a time when it was declining in standards. He said the old students have so far donated computers and promised to continue supporting the school to regain its former glory. He delivered 11,214,500/= as a contribution from the old students towards the thanksgiving spearheaded by the BOG and PTA.

Students of St. Gerald’s S.S Nyakibale at the celebration of School Day on Sunday.

In his remarks, Mr. Cleophas Agaba, head master St. Gerald’s S.S Nyakibale thanked the Vicar General for presiding over Mass to celebrate St. Gerald’s Day, the first of its kind. He thanked the teaching and non teaching staff for the rejuvenated efforts they have put in bringing St. Gerald’s S.S back on the map. He also thanked Old Students for supporting their school and giving gifts to the best performing students as this has created the spirit of academic competition among students. He thanked parents for trusting the process and the students for being disciplined hence an improvement in academic performance.

Mr. Cleophas said that because of combined efforts of the students, parents, teachers and board, the school has excelled in both academics and co-curricular activities. The school participated in this year’s sports competitions both on Rukungiri district level and Kigezi Region. In athletics, the school participated in national competitions in Lira district. Scouts also reached on national level in Kaazi while in debate, they were second runners-up on national level. Because of this improvement, the enrollment is also regaining ground and currently the school has 536 students. Since 2022, the academic performance has also greatly improved both at Ordinary Level and at Advanced Level.

Vicar General Kabale Diocese with Mr. Ponsiano Ngabirano and other guests cutting the cake to mark St. Gerald’s Day on Sunday.

Mr. Cleophas also highlighted some challenges currently face by the school which range from operational expenses like water and electricity bills due to limited enrollment, old structures and appealed for more support in order to overcome these challenges.

Speaking as Chief Guest, Mr. Ngabirano Ponsiano, a renowned businessman and proprietor of the Capital Shoppers in Kampala who is also an old student of St. Gerald’s S.S Nyakibale from 1985-1987 encouraged students to have cultivate hope and be disciplined in order to be successful in school. He said the school faced a setback because of indiscipline, but urged students to remember the topics of their parents in looking for school fees and other necessities.

My work today is to encourage you students to love St. Gerald’s. I am the Ngabirano from Ruhinda in Rujumbura (Rwamagaya). I am not from far. St. Gerald’s made me what I am – a celebrated businessman. St. Gerald’s can also make you somebody – Ngabirano Ponsiano, speaking to students of St. Gerald’s S.S Nyakibale on Sunday.

Mr. Ngabirano Ponsiano, chief guest addressing the congregation.

He also addressed parents by thanking them for having confidence in their school, but warned those who sell property to take their students to university for degrees. He pointed out that one does not necessarily need a degree to be successful, adding that diplomas and certificates too can help them succeed. He noted that vocational ant technical education provides skills necessary for self employment and minimizes job seekers. He contributed 15 million shillings towards the fundraising and by the close of the ceremony, over 43 millions was realized to support the school.

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