Immaculate Heart of Mary Rubanda Parish held a thanksgiving to God for after renovating the Church. The function was held on Saturday June 17, 2023 at the Parish grounds and Mass was presided over by Rev. Fr. Lubein Mubangizi, Pastoral Coordinator Kabale Diocese. In his homily, Fr. Lubein commended the parishioners for working hard together with parish leadership in order to beautify the house of God. He also urged the Christians to shun all that is ungodly and be holy as God is holy and also be attracted by the holiness and love of Christ.
Our hearts should always be enthusiastic and passionate for God. The Holy God dwells among us and we should strive to be holy as he is. Let us always go to his Holy house and worship him. God is Holy and that is why his house must be holy. Avoid contaminating the house of God. – Fr. Lubein Mubangizi.
Citing Psalm 150, “Praise the Lord in his holy place,” Fr. Lubein said that some people reside in descent houses but the house of God which they neighbor is in shambles. He asked the parishioners of Rubanda parish to thank themselves for they had given God a priority and renovated his house.

Mr. Turinomuhangi Beddah, the chairperson Rubanda Parish Council while giving the speech on behalf of Christians said that they had a novena before starting the work of renovation and even after the renovation, they had another novena thanking God for the work completed. He said the renovation work was about 220 million shillings and the remaining part was purchasing 120 news seats (pews) for the renovated church and each was to cost 1 million shillings. He also requested the State Minister for Finance (General Duties) Hon Henry Musasizi to continue pushing for the plight of Rubanda Technical Institute so that it can be supported by the government.
At the same function, Hon Moses Kamuntu MP (Rubanda West) implored the government to extent clean water to Rubanda district and called on parents to educate their children as it is the only way to help them survive in future. He contributed 5 million shillings towards the purchase of modern seats for Rubanda parish.

The chief guest at the function, Hon Musasizi Hery Ariganyira who doubles as the MP Rubanda East thanked Fr. Aurelius Maguru for spearheading the developments in the parish especially renovating the church through mobilization of Christians in Rubanda and the Kampala team. He also thanked everyone who contributed towards the work of renovation and requested the people to engage in government programs like Parish Development Model (PDM) especially the agriculturalists so that their income can be supplemented. He also said the Rubanda Technical Institute will be taken over by the government in the financial year 2024/2025, and that Rubanda water supply is already in the appraisal process. Hon. Musasizi contributed 10 million shillings towards the purchase of new seats (pews) for Rubanda Parish Church and over 35 millions was raised in both cash and pledges. He concluded by encouraging the People of Rubanda to work together and practice the politics of unity. In attendance was Hon Prossy Akampurira, Woman MP Rubanda District, district Chairman Mr. Ampeire Stephen Kasyaba and his cabinet among others.