A total of 209 million shillings was collected in cash and pledges over the weekend at a fundraising ceremony by the Kigezi Kampala Catholic Residents Association (KKCRA) members in support of the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Fund (BAAF) drive. This year’s BAAF was meant to raise 1.5 billion shillings in order to complete the construction of a commercial building in Kabale Town.
In his homily during Mass to celebrate Gaudate Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent) at Uganda Martyrs Shrine Namugongo on Sunday, Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira reminded people of the joy that Christ brings to those who await him and welcome him. Quoting John 15:5, Bishop Callist said that without the intervention of Christ, there is no success or progress. He said the 3rd Sunday of Advent is called Gaudate Sunday meaning a Sunday of joy as people draw closer to the birth of Christ, source of joy and that Christians should use the spiritual senses to believe that he is always with them in whichever situation they are in.
Bishop Callist thanked the KKCRA Community for their togetherness and for putting children first. He thanked them for introducing Sunday School and noted that each Hiika in Kabale Diocese is expected to start Sunday School so that children’s spiritual needs are catered for. This Sunday school helps children grow up cherishing the gift of faith, learn more about their faith and support their Church as they grow up. He urged them to value the faith of children and pray with them, while helping them to cherish their faith and identity.
Help your children to live and inherit what we live and cherish. Pass on who we are and what we value to our children. They are the hope and joy of the Church – Bishop Callist Rubaramira.
Bishop Callist called on families to have an evaluation meeting in this month of December in order to plan for the new Year 2025 with special consideration on socio-economic transformation in terms of increased food production but also household income. He said that as the Diocese progresses due to financial sustainability, parishes and households too must work towards that.
The children of Catholics from Kabale Diocese but residing and working in greater Kampala animated the liturgy including taking readings and offertory procession. The children thanked Bishop Callist Rubaramira for expressing his love towards them by visiting them. They also thanked their parents in the KKCRA community for giving them an opportunity to exercise their talents and also paid tribute to the late Msgr Francis Ndamira who brought the idea of Sunday school and has helped them in catechism classes, preparing for reception of sacraments among others. Each of the 300 children present was gifted with a Rosary blessed by the Bishop.
Mr. Narcis Rwangoga, the Chairperson of KKCRA thanked Bishop Callist Rubaramira for his annual pastoral visit to the community and celebrating Mass with them. He noted that the visit was used as an opportunity for the KKCRA community to support the Bishop for the 2024 BAAF drive. Mr. Rwangoga said that the community held a fundraising dinner at Hotel Africana which saw over 95 million shillings raised in cash and pledges. On Saturday, the community held a marathon as a way of creating awareness about BAAF and yesterday (Sunday) was the climax for BAAF Kampala where Parish coordinators gave reports of how their parishes contributed.
Muko parish was declared winner of 2024 Kampala BAAF having raised 14.7m, followed by Nyarushanje parish with 14.2m and Rushoroza Cathedral came third with 10.7m. The total collections for BAAF Kampala was 209,962,500 with 143,322,500 in cash and 64,640,000 in pledges. The 2024 BAAF drive will conclude on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at Rushoroza Cathedral after which construction of the commercial building will commence.
Today we celebrate a three-fold function. One, to make a contribution towards BAAF as KKCRA community. Secondly to welcome and celebrate with our Bishop on his annual pastoral visit to us and thirdly, we celebrate our end of year party with special consideration to the children – Narcis Rwangoga.
Among the notable guests was Ninsiima Evelyne Kikafunda, president of Green Environment Promotion (GEP) who expressed gratitude for his presence at KKCRA end of Year Mass celebrated by Bishop Callist. She appreciated the way children were being groomed and organized to be great leaders. She contributed 1 million shillings and requested the people to evaluate the year 2024 so that they are able to set targets and draw up plans for 2025.
Counsel Kiconco Patrick Katabazi who officiated as a special guest said he was grateful for the invitation and thanked the community for coming from Kigezi to look for money in Kampala and for getting it, otherwise you would have gone back to Kabale. He thanked Kabale Diocese for putting people’s contributions to good use by establishing different projects. He appealed for more support because investing in these projects is like investing in themselves. He thanked Bishop Callist Rubaramira for being a visionary leader and contributed 5m towards BAAF drive. It’s good to note that Kiconco Patrick Katabazi had officiated at Guest of Honor at BAAF Rukiga where he contributed 50m and mobilized about 30m from friends.
Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, Minister of ICT and National Guidance, also doubling as MP for Kinkizi East tables Mr. Narcis Rwangoga and KKCRA leadership for coordination and mobilization. He welcomed the Bishop and thanked him for shepherding the people of God and the different projects established under BAAF which the people of Kigezi and Uganda in general. He appreciated the collaboration between the Catholic Church and the government with emphasis on poverty alleviation through wealth creation by empowering families.
Dr. Baryomunsi urged KKCRA members to sensitize people back home in Kigezi to engage in government programs like the Parish Development Model (PDM) so that once they receive these funds, they are able to develop themselves by improving their household income. He urged members to celebrate Christmas festivals with caution so that they do not endanger their lives. He said that besides monthly gatherings for prayer, KKCRA members should also organize activities especially seminars on various themes so that they empower and sensitize themselves. He thanked parents for putting children at the center. He contributed 2m and promised that he was going to mobilize his fellow Kigezi politicians so that they animate liturgy on the 3rd week of February 2025.