The love of God has no measure is always to the fullest and he is not as mean as we might think because he gives everybody according to his will. This call was made by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira Bishop of Kabale Diocese on Sunday, August 20,2023 while celebrating 20th Sunday in ordinary Time at Namugongo with the Catholic Community from Kabale Diocese but who live and work in Kampala city. Bishop Callist told the faithful that In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus went into the territory of Tyre and Sidon to teach his apostles that God’s love is limitless. He wants to teach them that their thinking and approach should go beyond that of Jews, the ugly and uncharitable bias of Jews because they called the non Jews dogs.

God’s love has no parameter or boundaries. God assures al nations that though he first called Israelites, but he receives all who call on his name, for his house will be called house of prayer by all nations. He called on the faithful to heed to God’s call every day and according him a fitting place in their lives and families. He said that on the day of Pentecost, all people were gathered and apostles who started speaking in tongues were understood by all nations. This means that he broke the boundaries of all nations to hear his word. Bishop Callist also thanked the people for their generosity towards supporting their Diocese. Bishop thanked the community and announce that the BAAF building in Rukungiri was completed without any loan and that Centenary Bank was preparing the building for use. He announced that BAAF climax is on 25/12/2023 and this year’s BAAF is to support the start of University and the target is to raise 3b. Each year the diocese picks a project to work on and all this is possible because of the people’s generosity. He said that previously, the Diocese was 85% dependent on foreign support but as present, the diocese is over 75% self-sustainable.

Dr. Narcis Rwangoga, the chairman KKCRA thanked the Bishop for his pastoral visit and always sparing time to meet with his Christians in diaspora. He explained how they mobilized resources for BAAF, namely: minimum contribution of 10m from each parish, Individual contribution and the Fundraising dinner at Sheraton hotel which was successful. He announced that the Fundraising dinner which was held at Sheraton Hotel on Friday August 18, 2023 raised 203,350,000 shillings and parish contributions together with individual contributions raised 132,291,000 shillings making the total of 335,841,000 shillings in both cash and pledges.  He thanked all for the generous contributions made by the different people and supporting the Bishop in establishment of various Diocesan projects.

Dr. Chris as chief guest thanks the Bishop for his 3 day visit to KKCRA and thanked the Catholics from Kabale Diocese but in Kampala for supporting the Diocesan projects back home. He called on the University administration to collaborate with Ministry of ICT for support and lobby so that the people of Kigezi, Uganda and beyond can benefit from this university by closing the gap that has been existing.

Fr. Maximiano Ngabirano, the appointed Vice Chancellor of St. Ignatius University said that on June 22, 2022 National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) gave them an interim letter of authority to mobilize resources and set up structures. They then visited in April this year to assess the progress and gave a positive report in May. He said that on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) will sit to discuss on the issuance of the license so that the university can commence with admissions. 1911, Katigondo was the first higher institution of learning in Uganda followed by Makerere University in 1921. The University intends to have in place skilling courses like UBTEB courses, Tourism courses, Business courses, ICT, Health Science, Mining etc. St. Ignatius University Kabale will be a university that gives hands on skills to the public.

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