Mary Mother of the Holy Rosary Kakore Rugambwa Parish has celebrated 54 years of existence since its inception, with Mass presided over by Msgr. John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General of Kabale Diocese on Sunday, October 6, 2024. In his homily, Msgr. Vianney condemned the high rate of domestic violence in the Kigezi Sub-region, stating that it is depleting family resources and tearing couples apart. He urged married couples to remain faithful to each other and to God who unites them in order to uphold the two properties of marriage namely, unity and indissolubility. He noted that lack of care for each other coupled with lack of forgiveness among married couples has shattered the essential threefold purpose of marriage.

There could be some times when things do not go well, but learn to forgive each other, for without forgiveness  there is no peace, and when you forgive, also forget the wrong done to you for it is when peace and love will prevail – Msgr. John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General Kabale Diocese.

Msgr. John Vianney Sunday preaching during celebration of Parish Day at Kakore Parish on Sunday.

Msgr. Sunday used the opportunity to condemn the rising rate of domestic violence in families which he attributed to lack of forgiveness and care in marriages thereby urging couples to practice self-examination (for life unexamined is not worth living – Socrates), avoiding extra-marital affairs and all infidelity, worthy reception of Sacraments and working together to make their families better. He also cautioned learners against early marriages and encouraged them to concentrate on their studies by He encouraged young people to prioritize their education for a brighter future and urged parents to instill Catholic values in their children to strengthen their faith.

The Chairperson Kakore Parish Council, Mr. Augustine Kasyaba thanked the Vicar General for presiding over Mass to celebrate the Kakore Parish Day. He noted that priests have started programs that bring services closer to the Christians whereby Mass is celebrated in the Basic Small Christian Communities (BSCCs). New out stations (hiikas) are being opened up, thanks to Minister Henry Musasizi who promised to roof all newly established hiikas and also support them in purchasing land for church construction. He also said that Lay Apostolate Movements and Associations have been revived and this has eased the apostolate of the priests. Every Thursday, there is adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from morning (after Mass) up to 4:00pm in the evening hence giving people time to be with their Lord. Perpetual adoration chapel has been completed and awaits official opening.

Some catechists of Kakore Parish attending Parish celebrations on Sunday. They have helped priests in the work of apostolate in the parish.

Mr. Augustine Kasyaba also noted that Kakore Parish land has been surveyed and the land title was procured in order to align with the expectations of Kabale Diocese from each parish. Christians of Kakore Parish worked together and purchased a brand new car for parish in order to aid priests in doing pastoral work. There is continued strengthening the BSCCs with programs of economic empowerments where some projects are being established.

Among the future plans of Kakore Parish, include completion of the commercial building under construction, completion of the theatre at the Kakore Health Centre II so that it is elevated to Health Centre III, planting of trees on the 50 acres of Parish land, buying more shares of 100 million shillings in Centenary Bank, planting of coffee of 3 acres of parish land and establishment of parish SACCO. The Parish also intends to start a technical/vocational institute.

In his remarks, Fr. Deusdedit Maniragaba, Parish Priest Kakore Parish appreciated the visit of Msgr. John Vianney Sunday. He thanked minister Musasizi and other political leaders in Rubanda district for the support rendered towards parish projects. He appreciated the chairpersons of Basic Small Christian communities (obutaagi) and catechists for the work done in serving their church.

He used the opportunity to launch the project of a commercial building that will be supplementing on the income of the parish. This follows the call by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira to implement the financial sustainability program in Kabale Diocese where each parish in Kabale Diocese is expected to establish at least three income generating projects so that the parish can be self-reliant.

Kakore parish started in 1970 with Rev. Fr. Jerome Babikidde (RIP) from Masaka and Fr. Wenceslaus Bazirake. In the last 54 years, the population has grown to 35,909 Catholics spread in the 456 Basic Small Christian Communities (obutaagi), 40 outstations (hiikas) and 18 milukas. Kakore Parish has 18 government aided primary schools and 10 church schools, 4 secondary schools (with one seed school – St. George’s Kibuzigye).

Mary Mother of the Holy Rosary, Kakore Rugambwa Parish.

In his speech as the chief guest, the Minister of Finance (General Duties), Hon. Henry Musasizi Ariganyira thanked God for the gift of the 43 years of age he has given him to witness the good things achieved by Kakore parish. He used the opportunity to teach the people especially farmers on wealth creation through commercial agriculture, emphasizing the need of applying a calculation (ekibaro) in farming in order to benefit financially. Minister Musasizi said that there is need for calculated farming to maximize returns. He urged the people of Kigezi to use their limited land efficiently by embracing commercial agriculture with ekibaro to eradicate poverty. He encouraged farmers to apply this approach to maximize their profits and improve their livelihoods.

He said that each Sub County should have a health Centre 3, a seed school, and each district have a hospital. He requested the parish administration of Kakore Parish to support him to first uplift Rubanda technical Institute to be taken up by the government and after that, then another technical institute could be established in Kakore Parish.

He noted that there are some parish chiefs who extol money from people meant to benefit from PDM, and warned them to stop lest they face the law. He said the Assistant RDC have been mandated by the NRM government to follow up the disbursement of PDM cash and ensure this cash reaches the intended beneficiaries. He contributed a brand new uniform for Kakore parish choir.

Choir members of Kakore Parish

The celebration saw about 8 millions and 601 bags of cement raised towards the completion of a multi-million commercial building that will generate income to support various church development projects. The celebration was crowned with awarding of certificates to the outstanding supporters of Kakore parish and each out station (hiika) was also with a cake in recognition of its enormous contribution towards the development of the parish.




This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ninsiima Alice

    WOW. Love my parish n may God continue to bless us with the gifts of love joy n prosperity

    1. Salvino Mubangizi


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