Kabale Diocese is once again blessed with the gift of the vocation to priesthood with a number of ordinations. The first set of ordination is set to take place on Sunday, June 30, 2024 at Our Lady of Good Shepherd Rushoroza Cathedral. Solemn Mass will start at 10:00am and presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira.

This first set of ordination will have six deacons from three congregations (Apostles of Jesus, Spiritan Fathers and Montfort Missionaries) will ordained to priesthood. They are the following:

1. DEACON DN ALEX MUHWEZI, SMM (Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kishanje Parish).

Dn. Alex Muhwezi Karegyesa, SMM, was born on April 13, 1992 to Mr. Karegyesa Taddeus and Mrs. Tumusiime Florence in Kinyarushengye Hiika, Kishanje Parish, Rubanda District. He is the 5thborn in the family of 6 children (3 boys and 3 girls). He belongs to the Montfort Missionaries.
Edication and Formation
1997-2003: Kishanje Catholic Primary School where he completed Primary Education.
2004-2007: St. Adrian’s seminary Rubanda for O Level.
2008-2009: St. Paul’s seminary Rushoroza for A Level.
2010-2012: Medical Laboratory Technology (CLT) at M.T.I, Mbarara.
2012-2014: Diploma Public Health Science at Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara.
2015- 2018: Degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Inter-congregational Institute, Balaka, in Malawi.
2018-2019: He joined the Montfort Novitiate in Manila, Philippines.
August 1, 2019: First Religious Profession at Scout Madrinani, New Manila, Philippines.
2019-2022: Degree in Theology, at Hekima University College, Nairobi, Kenya.
2022-2023: Montfortian Pastoral Year at Kabuyanda Parish, Mbarara Archdiocese.
July 14, 2023: Perpetual Profession at Balaka, Malawi.
July 15, 2023: Ordained Deacon at Balaka Parish, Malawi by Bishop Montfort Sitima of Mangochi Diocese

2. DEACON ANAKLET ASINGWIRE CSSp (St. Joseph Nyamirama Parish)

He was born on 15/08/1994 to Mr Rutasheka Agabito and Mrs. Turyamubugana Maria of Nyamirama Hiika, Nyamirama Parish. He is the 4th born out of 6 children. He belongs to the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Spiritan Fathers).
Education and Formation
1999-2005: Nyamirama Parents Primary School.
2006-2010: Nyakinoni Secondary School for O’ level.
2011-2012: Rukungiri Secondary School for A’ Level.
2013-2014: Namugongo, Kampala for Postulancy.
2014-2017: Philosophy at Njiro Spiritan Seminary in Arusha-Tanzania.
2018-2019: Novitiate in Tanga Rushoto-Tanzania.
2019: Made profession of first vows as a religious in the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (CSSp) at Magamba – Rushoto in Tanzania
2019-2020: Pastoral Experience from Lille in France.
2020-2023: Theology from Institute de Jesuite in Paris, France
07/09/2023: Ordained a Deacon at the Diocese of Nanterre, Paris in France.

3. DEACON ROBERT MUGABE, AJ (St. Kizito Maziba Parish)

He was born on April 17, 1989 to Mr. Paul Karyamarwaki and Mrs. Leonarida Barwegirira at Kahondo hiika in Maziba Parish. He was baptized at Maziba Parish on 25th December, 1989 and confirmed at Bukinda Catholic Parish on 27th April, 2004
Education and Formation
1996-2002: Kahondo Primary School for Primary Education
2003 -2006: Apostles of Jesus Minor Seminary- Bukinda for O’ Level.
2007 – 2008: Apostles Of Jesus Minor Seminary –Bukinda for A’ Level.
2009- 2012: Philosophical Studies at Apostles of Jesus Philosophicum, Langata –Nairobi-Kenya
2012-2014: Novitiate at Apostles of Jesus Uruthiru Meru, Kenya
2014 – 2019: Theological Studies at Apostles of Jesus Theologicum, Nairobi-Kenya
November 1, 2015: Ministry of Lector at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi, Kenya.
April 7, 2016: Ministry of Acolyte at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi-Kenya.
August 22, 2023: Took his final vows at the Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya.
On December 8, 2023: Ordained a Deacon at Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya by Rt. Rev. John Obala Owaa, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong-Kenya.

4. DEACON CHRISTOPHER NIWAGABA, AJ (Holy Family Buhara Parish)

He was born on February 1, 1985 to the late Bernard Bagamuhunda and Mrs Pauline Besisira at Nyamitembe, Rwene Hiika in Buhara Parish.
Education and Formation
1995-2001: Rwene Primary School for Primary Education
2002-2005: St. Joseph’s Buhara Secondary School for O’ Level.
2006-2007: Mother Kevin Secondary School, Jinja for A’ Level.
2008 – 2012: Postulancy and Philosophical Studies at Apostles of Jesus Philosophicum, Langata –Nairobi-Kenya
2012-2014: Novitiate at Apostles of Jesus Tengeru in Arusha, Tanzania.
29/6/2014: Took his first vows.
2014-2019: Theological Studies at Apostles of Jesus Theologicum, Nairobi-Kenya
1/11/2015: Ministry of Lector at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi, Kenya.
7/4/2016: Ministry of Acolyte at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi-Kenya.
22/8/2023: Took his Perpetual vows at the Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya.
8/12/2023: Ordained a Deacon at Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya by Rt. Rev. John Obala Owaa, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong-Kenya.

5. DEACON INNOCENT KANYESIGE, AJ (Our Lady of Good Shepherd Rushoroza Cathedral Parish)

He was born on September 1, 1984 to catechist Mr. Apolinari Katimba (RIP) and Mrs. Jacinta Katimba in Kacuro Hiika, Rushoroza Cathedral Parish. He belongs to the Congregation of the Apostles of Jesus.
Education and Formation
1990-1997: Kacuro Primary School for Primary Education
2000-2002:  Institution of Building, Construction and Concrete Practice
2003 -2006:  Started from St. Francis College Kyanamira and finished from St. Joseph’s in Kyotera, Masaka for O Level.
2007 – 2008:  Apostles of Jesus Minor Seminary –Bukinda for A’ Level.
2009- 2012: Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome.
Diploma Philosophy and Religious Studies from Apostles of Jesus Institute pf Philosophy & Theology, Nairobi-Kenya.
2012-2014: Novitiate at Apostles of Jesus Uruthiru Meru, Kenya.
2014 – 2019:  Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Urbaniana Pontifical Unviersity, Rome.
Diploma in Sacred Theology from Apostles of Jesus Institute pf Philosophy & Theology, Nairobi-Kenya.
Nov. 1, 2015: Ministry of Lector at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi, Kenya.
April 7, 2016: Ministry of Acolyte at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi-Kenya.
Aug. 22, 2023: Took his final vows at the Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya.
Dec. 8, 2023:  Ordained a Deacon at Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya by Rt. Rev. John Obala Owaa, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong-Kenya.

6. DEACON PHILEMON BYOMUHANGI, CSSp (Immaculate Heart of Mary Rubanda Parish)

He was born on October 25, 1988 at Kiyebe Hiika, Rubanda Parish to Mr. Andrew Barirelyo and Mrs. Leonarda Nyinakiiza, but was raised at Kagunga – Rubanda Parish, by his maternal aunt Ms Busingye Bonny. He is the 7th born in a family of 8 children (5 boys and 3 girls). He belongs to the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Spiritan Fathers).
Education and Formation
1997-2003: Rubanda Mixed Primary School for Primary Education.
2004-2007: St. Gerald’s Secondary School Nyakibale for O’Level.
2009-2011: Studied Nursing at Kalori Lwanga School of Nursing and Midwifery, Nyakibale.
2012-2013: With a license to work, he worked at St. Jordan Medical Services in Mulago –Kampala.
2013-2014: He completed Postulancy in the Spiritan Congregation at Jjanda in Namugongo.
2014-2017: Philosophical Studies at St. Mbaaga’s Major Seminary Ggaba.
2017-2018: Novitiate in Lushoto, Magamba, Tanzania where where he received first temporal vows on 16th of June 2018 in the Spiritan Family.
2018-2020: He completed his Pastoral Missionary Experience in Mexico.
2020-2024 Theological Studies at Tangaza University with the program of Baccalaureate and a Diploma in Sacred Theology.
During his theological studies, he renewed his Religious vows on 23.05.2021 at Mulago parish, by the superior of Uganda Rev. Fr. John Bosco Kamoga.
He received the ministry of Lector on 02.02. 2022 on the Religious day and the ministry of Acolyte on 02.02.2023, both by Rev.Fr. Dominic the emeritus superior of Kenya.
On June 10, 2023 he took his perpetual vows in the Spiritan Family at Mulago Parish by the Superior of Uganda, Rev. Fr. John Bosco Kamoga.
On September 16, 2023 he was ordained a Deacon at St. John Evangelist Parish by Rt. Rev. John Mbinda the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar.

We pray for our candidates to priesthood and indeed all priests that God may continue strengthening them in the ministry.

Mary, mother of priests, pray for us! 

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