There was great jubilation and celebration at Kacuro Hiika in Rushoroza Cathedral Parish when Catholics welcomed their pioneer priest celebrated his thanksgiving Mass. Rev. Fr. Innocent Kanyesige belongs to the congregation of the Apostles of Jesus and was ordained a priest on Sunday, June 30, 2024 by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira at Rushoroza Cathedral.

While preaching at the thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Innocent Kanyesige, Rev. Fr Arinaitwe Silvester, AJ congratulated Fr. Innocent and thanked him for responding to God’s call. He cautioned him to remain true to his call and execute his priestly duties, administering Sacraments and preaching the word of God to the people he will be sent to. Fr. Silvester also reminded Fr. Innocent to be ready to accept the challenges in the mission, and bear them patiently by offering them to God in prayer.
He also reminded him to teach the people the virtue of hard work because people will not listen to the word of God when they are hungry. Fr. Silvester also urged the Christians always support their priests and pray for them in order to be true God’s messengers among them.

Hon Nshangabashaija Nelson, the Kabale District Chairperson L.C 5 who also doubles as chairperson of Rwanyena Parish Council congratulated Fr. Innocent for such a milestone and hailed the honorable MPs Hon. Catherine Ndamira Atwakiire and Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba for the team work in making Kabale district shine and always be on ground to listen to the peoples concerns of their electrolates and supporting different projects to benefit the people.
Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba, the MP for Ndorwa East congratulated Fr. Innocent Kanyesige for his patience and perseverance in the priestly formation to the end but finally because successful. He called on people to continue praying for more vacations and allow their sons become priests since there are few priests ministering to over 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide. He showed concern over people who have planted eucalyptus and pine trees in small pieces land especially around Kihumuro hill which they have been cultivating for food crops and now are starving because of no food production. He urged them to use their small pieces of land to use them for food production so that their families do not starve since they do not have alternative sources of income.
There is a concern about people who have resorted to planting eucalyptus and pine trees in small pieces of land which they have been using for crop growing. This has increased starvation because of lack of food – Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba.

Hon. Catherine Ndamira, the Kabale District Woman MP congratulated Fr. Innocent Kanyesige and thanked the family members for supporting him up to the end. In a special way, she thanked his mother Jacinta Katimba who struggled hard to see her son attain the best education even after losing her husband. He requested him to be a true ambassador of Kabale Diocese in the new place of appointment. He requested him to pray for the people whole household income is low so that they too can have their income boosted and their lives made better.
Hon. Catherine Ndamira also urged Christians to embrace household income, at least have something at home to bring you income. It is good to note that she has been and is still supporting families and groups in Kabale district with goats and pigs in order to boost their household income.
Sr. Clare Kedress Mbabazi speaking in the name of the family thanked all those people of God who contributed to the formation and education of Fr. Innocent Kanyesige from childhood up to the time of his Ordination to priesthood. She also thanked Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba and Hon. Catherine Ndamira for the support they gave to the family in preparations.

Fr. Maniragaba Garasiano, the parochial vicar of Rushoroza Cathedral Parish congratulated Fr. Innocent Kanyesige upon his priestly Ordination. He thanked him for having. He gave the contribution of 2 million shillings from Rushoroza Cathedral Parish to Fr. Innocent and wished him a fruitful apostolate.

Fr. Innocent Kanyesige thanked God for the gift of life granted to him. He thanked his parents for bringing him up with Christian virtues. He thanked Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe in a special way for comforting him in the hard times and also thanked Fr. Arinaitwe Silvester for preaching during his thanksgiving Mass. He also expressed gratitude to Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba who adopted him as his son when his father died. Fr. Innocent extended appreciation to all the people of God who helped him in various ways to see him become a priest.
Who is Fr. Innocent Kanyesige?
He was born on September 1, 1984 to catechist Mr. Apolinari Katimba (RIP) and Mrs. Jacinta Katimba in Kacuro Hiika, Rushoroza Cathedral Parish. He belongs to the Congregation of the Apostles of Jesus.
Education and Formation
1990-1997: Kacuro Primary School for Primary Education
2000-2002: Institution of Building, Construction and Concrete Practice
2003-2006: Started from St. Francis College Kyanamira and finished from St. Joseph’s in Kyotera, Masaka for O Level.
2007-2008: Apostles of Jesus Minor Seminary –Bukinda for A’ Level.
2009-2012: Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome and a Diploma Philosophy and Religious Studies from Apostles of Jesus Institute of Philosophy & Theology, Nairobi-Kenya.
2012-2014: Novitiate at Apostles of Jesus Uruthiru Meru, Kenya.
2014-2019: Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Urbaniana Pontifical Unviersity, Rome and a Diploma in Sacred Theology from Apostles of Jesus Institute pf Philosophy & Theology, Nairobi-Kenya.
Nov. 1, 2015: Ministry of Lector at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi, Kenya.
April 7, 2016: Ministry of Acolyte at the Apostles of Jesus Theologicum in Nairobi-Kenya.
Aug. 22, 2023: Took his final vows at the Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya.
Dec. 8, 2023: Ordained a Deacon at Apostles of Jesus Shrine in Nairobi, Kenya by Rt. Rev. John Obala Owaa, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong-Kenya.
June 30, 2024. He was ordained a priest at Rushoroza Cathedral by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese.