Thousands of Christians yesterday, July 28, 2024, gathered at St. Francis Kyanamira grounds in Kyanamira Catholic Centre, Rushoroza Cathedral Parish to celebrate the 37 dedicated years of priestly service of Rev. Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe. The thanksgiving Mass was presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese and different speakers narrating how he has impacted their lives through his spiritual leadership.

Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe together with Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira (R) and Fr. Christmas Austen (L), the parish priest Rushoroza Cathedral Parish.

While preaching during Mass, Msgr John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General of Kabale Diocese praised Fr. Balthazar for his spirit of generosity and care for others, sharing with them the little he has. He also appreciated him for the spirit of hard work and executing his priestly duties, no matter the size of his riches and wealth, his good heart of giving out for the benefit of others is the greatest of all. He also thanked him for centering his life on the Eucharist which he has celebrated for the last 37 years as a priest.

Fr. Balthazar is a gift to the Catholic Church, a man who is always available for the mission of the Church, a generous man, who shares with others what he has, one who is considerate of others, generous with his time. He has today decided that proceeds from this celebration help Rushoroza Cathedral Parish to complete the priests’ house at Kyanamira – Msgr. John Vianney Sunday.

Mr. Gordiano Minyeto while speaking on behalf of that family of Fr. Balthazar (his brother), thanked him for the spirit of hard work and impacting their lives positively. He said that Fr. Balthazar has been a vision bearer to their family and thanked all those relatives and friends who helped Fr. Balthazar in one way or another so that he too also supports the family members.

Mr. Gordiano Minyeto (brother to Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe) representing the family at the Thanksgiving ceremony of Fr. Ndyomugabe.

Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba, MP for Ndorwa East praised Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe for leading God’s people and contributing to their prosperity. He contributed 100 bags of cement towards the completion of priests’ house at Kyanamira Sub parish, while Hon. Catherine Ndamira, the Kabale District Woman MP recognized his diligence and commitment affirming that his service has been an inspiration and a blessing to many. She also contributed 50 bags of cement.

The Deputy Director General of Internal Security Organization (ISO) Col. Emmanuel Katabazi while addressing the congregation as the Chief Guest thanked Fr. Ndyomugabe for his tireless efforts in spreading the Gospel of Christ without segregation and without fear or favor. He presented a cash contribution of UGX 5 million to aid in the construction of the priests’ house at Kyanamira Sub Parish.

Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe shaking hands with Col. Emmy Katabazi, Deputy Director General of ISO at his celebration of 37 years in priesthood.

In his speech, Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe thanked God for the gift of life and gift of ministerial priesthood that he has spent 37 years in service. He thanked Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira presiding over his thanksgiving Mass and for taking good care of priests’ physical and spiritual lives. He also paid tribute to the fallen bishops (Rt. Rev. Robert Marie Gay, Rt. Rev. Barnabas Halem’Imana and Rt. Rev. Gervase Nkalanga) who did tremendous work to transform the Diocese and uplift people’s standards.

On his part, Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira thanked Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe for his availability for the priestly duties. He reminded Fr. Balthazar to always call on to God and that regardless of the number of years one has served as a priest, they still need the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them in their daily activities and to assist them in fulfillment of their priestly duties. Bishop Callist concluded by calling on Christians to always pray for their priests so that they can serve them better.

Fr. Ndyomugabe’s 37th Priestly Anniversary celebration was focused on raising funds to complete the priests’ house (presbytery) at Kyanamira Catholic Center which is being prepared to be elevated to parish status in the near future. A total of Uganda Shillings 32,180,000 was collected both in cash and pledges in addition to other building materials such as 250 bags of cement, 3 trips of sand and 4 jerrycans of paint.

Among the notable dignitaries were Hon. Catherine Ndamira (Woman MP Kabale District), Hon. Kesande Bataringaya (Woman MP Rubirizi district), hon. Dr. Nicholas Kamara (MP Kabale Municipality), Hon. Moses Kamuntu (MP Rubanda West), Mr. Nelson Nshangabashaija, (L.C 5 Kabale District), Mr. Sam Evidence Orikunda (Deputy RDC Sheema District), Mr. Isaiah Kanyamahane (RDC Kamwenge district), Mr. Tumukwasiibwe Nicodemus Odo (Chairman Laity, Kabale Diocese), Hon. Dr. Serapio Rukundo (former MP Kabale Municipality) among others.

Who is Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe?
Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe was born on January 12, 1956, at Nyakijumba, in Katokye Parish, Kyanamira Sub County, Kabale District to Mr. Deziderio Zaribugire (RIP) and Eugenia Kangakeizi (RIP). He was born in a family of 7 children, but three are still living; Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe, Mrs. Jane Bamukunda and Mr. Gordiano Minyeto. He began his education at St. Francis Kyanamira Primary School and in 1974 went to St. Paul’s Seminary, Rushoroza for his Secondary Education. He then went completed his studies at St. Thomas Aquinas National Major Seminary Katigondo in Masaka from 1979 to 1982 for philosophical studies, and later to St. Mary’s National Major Seminary Ggaba from 1983 to 1987 for theological studies. He was ordained a priest on June 28, 1987 by Rt. Rev. Barnabas Halem’lmana, Bishop of Kabale Diocese.

He has served in different parishes of Kabale Diocese (Rutooma, Butogota, Rwanyena, Christ the King Kabale, Makiro, Rushoroza Cathedral) and currently he is serving as a Spiritual Director of the Legion of Mary in Kabale Diocese and also chaplain of Kalori Lwanga Hospital Nyakibale and Kalori Lwanga Institute of Health Sciences both in Nyakibale Parish. He is also the director of Justice and Peace Commission for Kabale Diocese, chairperson of Bible Society of Uganda for Kigezi Region, Chairman of Kabale Municipal Development Forum among others.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Twesigomwe Denis

    Glory to God and Congratulations Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe.
    Psalms 20:2-5 amen.

  2. Byarugaba Elias

    Mukama ayebare okutuhereza ekirabo Kya Fr Ndyomugabe,kwo nomugabe omubuhereza obuyayeteirwe,omushaija enkwata but,rugamba maziima,enkunzi yentunguka.Ruhanga akwongyere emyaka endijo mingi.Conglaculations

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