Rev. Fr. Ensehuriire Balthazar, a well known priest and health officer was laid to rest at Rushoroza Cathedral yesterday with burial preceded by Mass presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese. Fr. Ensehuriire died on Monday, September 2, 2024 at Rubaga Hospital in Kampala succumbing to cancer of the throat.

Fr. Ensehuriire Balthazar

Fr. Gervase Tumwebaze, Rector of St. Adrian’s Seminary Rubanda, while preaching during Mass talked about Fr. Ensehuriire Balthazar as one who inspired him and many others to love education and the vocation to priesthood. He noted that Fr. Ensehuriire was a pro people who cared for their spiritual needs by serving them as a priest, and also caring for their physical need by serving them as a clinical officer. He thanked Fr. Benedict Mubangizi who took him to hospital and cared for him till death. He also thanked the Bishop for caring for his priests and paying their hospital bills.

Fr. Balthazar Ensehuriire was born on October 4, 1960 to John Biramuka (RIP) and Guderia Nyinemirimo (RIP) at Kibuzigye in the present Kakore Parish in Rubanda district. He attended primary education from 1968 to 1975 after which he went to St. Paul’s Seminary Rushoroza for Ordinary level education between 1976 and 1979. He went to Kitunga High School for Advanced level from 1980-1981.

From 1982 to 1984, he was at St. Thomas Aquinas National Major Seminary Katigondo in Masaka where he obtained a degree in Philosophy and diploma in Philosophy and Social Studies. He was appointed to Kitanga Parish for the Pastoral Spiritual Year in 1985.

From 1986 to 1989, he was at St. Mary’s National Major Seminary Ggaba where he obtained a Degree in Theology and diploma in religion and Pastoral Studies. On August 15, 1988, he was ordained a deacon at Rushoroza Cathedral and on July 16, 1989, he was ordained a priest at Kakore Parish.

After his ordination, Fr. Balthazar Ensehuriire was appointed to Buhara Parish as curate, up to 1991 when he was appointed to Mutolere Parish as curate, at the same time serving as chaplain of Mutolere Secondary School, St. Francis Mutolere Hospital and Seseme High School.

Between 1993-1996 Fr. Ensehuriire Balthazar we to pursue a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Health at Buhinga School of Clinical Office. After returning from Buhinga, he was appointed to Nyakibale Parish as curate and clinical officer at Karoli Lwanga Nyakibale Hospital. From 1997 to 2021, Fr. Ensehuriire Balthazar was appointed to serve in Kambuga Parish as curate, at the same time serving as a clinical officer in Kambuga Hospital.

In 2021, he was appointed as curate at Rubanda Parish until his time of death. 2024. He died on Monday September 2, 2024 at Rubaga Hospital at the age of 64 and was laid to rest at Rushoroza Cathedral. He had celebrated 35 years in priesthood on July 16, 2024.

The family members of the late John Biramuka represented by Busingye Justine said that on 17/4/2024, Fr. Ensehuriire was admitted to Our Lady of Good Health Rushoroza Hospital for a check up, and at the advice of Bishop Callist, on 21/4/2024 was referred to Nsambya Hospital where he was diagnosed with cancer of the throat and was put on radiotherapy and chemotherapy till his death on Monday this week. The family members thanked all that stood by them in caring for their brother and the medical facilities that treated him, though God decided to take him to himself.

Kabale Diocese Priests Association (KADPA) represented by Fr. Austen Christmas thanked the family of the late Fr. Ensehuriire for allowing him and supporting him to serve God in the Priestly ministry. He thanked Fr. Benedict Mubangizi for taking care of sick priests especially those who are admitted in Nsambya and Rubaga. He also thanked the Bishop for always supporting priests in good and hard times, particularly the sick priests.

In his remarks, Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira thanked all those who were present to pay last respects to Fr. Ensehuriire. He thanked those who positively impacted the life of Fr. Ensehuriire. He reminded parents that much as they offer sons to the church for ministry, they remain their children and do need support both in good and bad times. He implored all the priests to always have regular medical check-ups. He thanked the family of Fr. Ensehuriire led by Justine Busingye for being close to his brother and taking care of him till the last day. In a special way, he appreciated Fr. Benedict Mubangizi for taking care of the sick priests in Rubaga House and requested people to keep them in prayers.

May the soul of Fr. Balthazar Ensehuriire rest in eternal peace.

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