Caritas Kabale is the social services and economic development Department of Kabale diocese mandated to improve livelihoods of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized persons through programmes such as; sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation and protection, financial literacy and entrepreneurship, women promotion, health and sanitation, support to orphans and vulnerable children.

Caritas Kabale diocese was started in 1984 and spearheads socio-economic development in six districts namely; Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu,Rukungiri, Rubanda and Rukiga districts. The diocese is strongly committed to implementing the Biblical preferential option for the poor and focuses its efforts on generating maximum pro-poor outcomes and impacts.

Our offices are located at Rushoroza Cathedral Rushoroza Hill in Southern division of Kabale municipality- Kabale district. This is a new location since January 2019.

About Us

Caritas Kabale diocese is the social services and economic development Department of Kabale diocese mandated to improve livelihoods of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized persons through programmes such as; sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation and protection, financial literacy and entrepreneurship, women promotion, health and sanitation, support to orphans and vulnerable children.

Caritas Kabale diocese was started in 1984 to spearehead the socio-economic development issues in the four (4) districts that made up Kabale diocese namely; Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu and Rukungiri. A new district called Rubanda district was added in 2016 and another one called Rukiga district was added in 2017. The two new districts were carved out of Kabale district.Thus Caritas Kabale diocese serves six districts in the southwester region of Uganda.The diocese is strongly committed to implementing the Biblical preferential option for the poor and focuses its efforts on generating maximum pro-poor outcomes and impacts.


“A leading sustainable livelihood support agency in Kabale Diocese”


“To promote appropriate interventions for the most vulnerable in communities through holistic development strategies and integrated natural resource management in Kabale Diocese”


  1. Non-Partisan support
  2. Participation of target groups
  3. Partnership
  4. Sustainability
  5. Transparency
  6. Orientation to the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized


  1. Socio-economically vulnerable communities/families in Kabale Diocese are transformed into stable, socially esteemed, food and income secure communities/families.
  2. Couples and youth participate more in community activities and enjoy more balanced rights and gender relations.
  3. Good governance and democracy are practiced in all communities.
  4. Sustainable use of natural resources for community resilience and responsiveness to disasters and emergencies is a common practice.

Our Partners

CARITAS-Kabale diocese works in partnership with other development agencies and the Government of Uganda to improve the livelihood of the local people without discrimination of race, religion and sex.

Our development partners include;

  • Caritas Japan,
  • Caritas Italiana
  • World Bank through PSFU
  • TCP Global
  • MISEREOR-Germany,
  • MIVA OneMen-Netherlands,
  • Peace Corps-USA
  • JOIN FOR JOY-Netherlands
  • 100 WEEKS-Netherlands
  • EKN through IFDC-Uganda
  • Caritas Korea
  • Catholic Relief Services ( CRS)
  • USAID through Abt Associates


Women’s desk is an office that was established by Kabale diocese in 1998 to coordinate all women developmental activities in the diocese.  At  the moment  the office has  a team  of 5 staff  spearheading  women promotion  programme  activities  under  Caritas  Kabale with  over  80 groups  of women and men scattered  in different  parishes  that make up  Kabale diocese.

Men  are  included in project activities  in some groups  aiming  at addressing  Gender  issues  more  especially  during  project  implementation.

At Caritas level  women promotion programme strives  to  streamline  Gender  in all project activities    implemented  by  Caritas  aiming  at  empowering  women by involving them  in project  activities,  and in  leadership  roles. This has improved family relations at household level thus reducing domestic violence.

Women’s desk mission:

To bear witness to committed Christian life based on the gospel values that enhance the dignity and foster the role of women both in church and society.

Objectives of women’s desk:

  • To initiate, encourage, inspire and instill the participation of catholic women in all forms of lay apostolate.
  • To provide a channel through which Catholic women may communicate and coordinate their activities and ideas there by fostering their own welfare and that of society.
  • To be the organ through which the Catholic women will articulate themselves and their interests.
  • To mobilize and encourage women to participate more effectively in projects for their betterment and advancement of their families and the national development.
  • To provide and facilitate training for ongoing formation and education for women.
  • To collect and document any relevant information beneficial to women and society.
  • To establish links with the government and non-government organizations, with similar objectives and interests at all levels.

Major activities of women’s desk:

v  Enhance family relations through creation of awareness on the dangers of domestic violence in all Catholic households.

v  Promotion of food security in all catholic households through trainings on and adoption of modern methods of farming.

v  Train families on selection, planning and management of small business enterprises

v  To improve the health status of families through sensitizations on nutrition, sanitation and hygiene and construction of proper and appropriate sanitary structures.

v  To arrange seminars and trainings on leadership and good governance to enable more women   participation in politics and take up other leadership positions.

v  Enhance early child hood development and advocate for girl child education.

v  To promote SILC (Savings and Internal Lending in Communities), the more transparent savings methodology, in all women groups and other groups where women are involved with in Kabale Diocese.

We thank Kabale diocese for opening this office to uplift women’s standards of living.

Empower a woman empower the family   empower, the church   and the nation at large.