Members of Catholic Men Apostolate (CMA) and the Catholic Association of Professionals of Uganda (CAPU) in Kabale Diocese have carried out elections on the Diocesan level. The election took place yesterday, August 27, 2024 in Rushoroza Pastoral Centre on Rushoroza Hill. While witnessing the election of new leaders, Mr. Odo Tumukwasiibwe Nicodemus, the Chairperson Laity Council for Kabale Diocese congratulated the new leaders elected and encouraged them to participate in the activities of the hiika, muluka and parishes. He also encouraged members Catholic Men Apostolate to be an example to others so that more men may be attracted into serving their Church.
As leaders, our role is to motivate others and show them the way. As Catholic professionals how are we going to be the engine and motivate people to bring their aspirations to reality? – Tumukwasiibwe Odo, Chairperson Laity, Kabale Diocese.

Mr. Tumukwasiibwe also encouraged members to take part in boosting their household income and economic empowerment as the Bishop of Kabale Diocese has geared the Diocese towards financial sustainability. What are you doing to inspire others in order to boost household income?, asked Mr. Odo. He also noted that there was a need to bring on board the small scale professionals like welders, salon operators, mechanic among others should also be brought into unison with the rest of professionals .
We members of CMA meet weekly for prayer especially rosary, share the word of God together, have a sharing on the socio-economic development especially about establishment of projects. We also instruct the youth on how to prepare themselves for family life – Kamugisha Innocent, C.P of CMA Kabale Diocese.
In his remarks as the new chairperson of CMA, Mr. Kamugisha Innocent thanked members for entrusting him with leadership of CMA as its Diocesan Chairperson and urged members to be a torch by being an example to the others. He promised to cooperate with the team and steer CMA to success. The Diocesan Executive Leadership of Catholic Men Apostolate is composed of the following members:
- Chairperson: Kamugisha Innocent
- Vice Chairperson: Mbonye John
- Secretary: Mr. Ahabwe Papius
- Vice Secretary: Mr. Mujurizi Didas
- Treasurer: Mr. Mariiro Januario.
On the other hand, Mr. Biryomumaisho Onesmus, chairman of Catholic Association of Professionals in Uganda (CAPU), Kabale chapter also thanked his fellow professionals for entrusting him with leadership and service beyond self. He pledged cooperation and that he would mobilize more professionals into one group by forming a database in coordination with the chaplain who will be appointed by the Bishop. The Diocesan Executive Leadership of CAPU is composed of the following members:
- Chairperson: Mr. Biryomumaisho Onesmus
- Vice chairperson: Mr. Nteziryayo Anthony
- Secretary: Mr. Twebaze Herbert
- Vice Secretary: Mr. Niwagaba Denis
- Treasurer: Mr. Turyahikayo Silver

The Director for Lay Apostolate, Fr. Bruno Byomuhangi, represented by the Organizing Secretary, Mr. Active Xavier said that the intention of the Bishop is that Catholic Men Apostolate and Catholic Women Apostolate be merged together to form the Catholic Men and Women Association. Catholic Women Apostolate is already fully established throughout the Diocese, but men are not yet organized. The focus currently is to mobilize and organize men into the apostolate, and after full establishment, they will merge with women to form an Association in order to jointly work together for the good of the families and the Church.
Each participant was given a copy of the booklet for the guidelines of the Catholic Men and Women Association so that they acquaint themselves with what is required of each member, under the patronage of St. Joseph, whose feast day is celebrated on March 19. Mr. Active Xavier also explained about the Catholic Association of Professionals of Uganda (CAPU) that there was a need of bringing together professionals in Kabale Diocese under one umbrella and be connected to the national level and subscribe as a member of the Uganda National Catholic Council of Lay Apostolate (UNCCLA).
Mr. Active concluded by summarizing the objectives of lay apostolate which include bringing mankind to Christ, salvation of mankind, penetrate and improve range of temporal order. Importance of lay apostolate movements include settling disputes, group work, pooling of resources together, spiritual guidance, shaping Christian conscience, training and on-going formation to deepen Christian faith among others. On the other hand, the tasks of the lay apostolate movements range from evangelization, sanctification, discipleship, collaboration and socio-economic and political development.
In his remarks, Fr. Fidel Ndagijimana, Pastoral Coordinator Kabale Diocese encouraged the different parishes of Kabale Diocese to put more emphasis on mobilizing Catholic Men so that their presence is felt in the church. Men will be organized alone, and women alone, but under the umbrella of the Catholic Men and Women Association.
The husband remains the head of the family and the wife is the heart of the family. The head will not function without the heart and likewise the head will not function without the head. In the same way, the husband and wife must work together and that is why the Catholic Church is now recognizing them as Catholic Men and Women Association – Fr. Fidel Ndagijimana, Pastoral Coordinator Kabale Diocese.
This has come at a time when boys have continued to drop to the background. Many boys are dropping out of school, many catechists and altar servers who used to be men and boys are now dominated by women and girls respectively. He thanked men who have sacrificed themselves to lead others to continue attracting more members.