Catholics have been urged to take deep root in Catholic faith and avoid religious syncretism. This call was made yesterday by Msgr. John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General of Kabale Diocese while administering the Sacrament of Confirmation to 430 candidates at Holy Family Buhara Parish. Msgr John Vianney saith that Catholics who receive the sacrament of Confirmation are supposed to live a life of witness to Christ since he has claimed them for himself with an indelible mark put on them by the Sacred Chrism. “We thank God for gathering us there to express our faith in him and enabling us receive sacraments especially confirmation by our candidates, he said. When the Sacrament of Confirmation is received the candidate receives the fullness of Holy Spirit who sends them to witness to Christ. The Sacrament of confirmation fulfils baptism. He said that the Catholic Church has 3 sacraments that are received only once and they are Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. These sacraments are received only after calling the name of the candidates and the one who calls them is Christ and puts an indelible mark on them with the oil of Chrism.

Msgr. John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General of Kabale Diocese administering the sacrament of confirmation at Buhara Parish in Tuesday.

He urged the candidates to be rooted in the catholic faith and avoid moving here and there liken “religious prostitutes.” The sacraments instituted by Christ give healing to both body and soul and therefore, do not seek healing in other faith based organizations.

You candidates who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church today, do not dilute this sacrament by moving up and down in other faiths. You have been anointed with Chrism by Christ, have respect for Christ who has anointed you. Do not seek any other anointing outside the Catholic Church – Msgr. John Vianney Sunday.

Msgr. John Vianney reminded the faithful that they belong to Christ and should therefore do what is of Christ so that their faith is reflected in their actions. He urged the children to always obey their parents and that all people should have respect for each other. He also appealed to the people of God to take care of their lives by shunning all that destroys their health especially alcoholism.

The Chairperson of Buhara Parish Council, Mr. Kihembo Virias appreciated Bishop Callist Rubaramira for his quality leadership and the vision he has for Kabale Diocese especially education sector and financial sustainability. He said the parish has embarked on maintenance of the tea project, tree plantation, sustainable domestic agriculture and currently the parish is constructing an commercial building in Buhara Trading Centre. Mr. Kihembo said that as future plan, the parish intends to follow up the issue of processing land title for all Parish land and continue sensitizing the Christian families on financial sustainability in order to boost their household income.

Hon Wilfred Niwagaba, MP for Ndorwa East where Buhara Parish is located thanked Msgr. John Vianney Sunday for the pieces of advice he gives to people for their wellbeing especially during his homilies and programs on Radio Maria. He used the opportunity to urge parents to grab the education opportunities for their children by taking them to nearby and affordable schools such as St. Joseph’s Secondary School Buhara. He noted that Sino Mines Company which deals in iron ore mining in Buhara has offered scholarships to needy students in the schools thereby doing Corporate Social Responsibility to Buhara Community.

Hon Wilfred Niwagaba (R) with Hon. Catherine Ndamira attending Mass at Buhara Parish on Tuesday.

The Kabale District Woman MP, Hon. Catherine Ndamira thanked the confrimants for being smart and appreciated their parents for taking care of them. She urged parents to always keep documents well especially Baptism cards and National Identity Cards. She urged those who have not yet registered for National Identity Cards to do so, because it’s an important document especially in accessing some government programs like Parish Development Model (PDM) funds among others. She reminded families to work had and start up domestic projects like piggery, poultry so that people could get food, but also income after sale.

Fr. Karugaba Silverino, the Parish Priest of Holy Family Buhara Parish thanked Vicar for the pastoral visit on behalf of Bishop Callist and confirming 430 candidates. He thanked Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba and and Hon. Catherine Ndamira for being supportive to Buhara Parish especially in establishing projects to boost parish income like donating equipment to make bar soap and liquid soap. He also thanked Bishop Callist Rubaramira for putting emphasis on education which improves on the welfare of the people. The Bishop’s Education Scheme has helped a number of children from humble families to attain affordable education from primary to university. 3 students from Buhara Parish have been offered scholarship to study in St. Ignatius University Kabale.

In his concluding remarks, Msgr. John Vianney Sunday hanked Hon. Catherine Ndamira and and Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba for being closer to the people and for their generosity. In a special way, he thanked Hon. Ndamira for projects established to boost people’s household income especially pigs and goats. Msgr John Vianney recognized the efforts by Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba with tremendous support in the construction of St. Kizito Maziba Church and other various kinds of support to churches, schools and communities and above all for securing Diocesan land since he is the chairman of Kabale Diocesan Land Board. He thanked Parish Council for being focused and the developments established in the parish, especially a commercial building under construction in Buhara Trading Centre.

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    So amazing

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