A total of 604 candidates were on Thursday confirmed into the Catholic faith at Christ the King Parish Kabale in Mass presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese.

While preaching during Mass, Bishop Callist urged parent to always lead a prayerful life so that their children can emulate them. He reminded parents and God parents that at baptism, they are the ones who receive a lit candle on behalf of the infants so that as they grow up, they are illumined by the light of parents. Even when this light is blown off by the challenges of the world, parent a and godparents can always go back to Christ to light their candles again. Bishop Rubaramira urged Christians to do away with discrimination and religious persecution noting that we are all created in God’s image.
He encouraged Christians to draw closer to God, asserting that only through this connection could they hope to effect positive change in the world, rather than succumbing to the pleasures of the world.
God gave us a gift of being his children in the sacrament of baptism and that this gift should always be nurtured and not taken for granted – Bishop Callist.
He said that it’s good to remind ourselves of the good the Lord has done for us and let the spirit of God lead us to become better followers of God. St. Paul talks about himself as one who persecuted God’s people, but the power of God was revealed to him on his way to Damascus and transformed him. Let us always allow the power of God to transform us because there is nothing impossible with God if we allow him lead us.
He thanked the parish administration of Christ the King Kabale for the different projects undertaken. He also thanked the christians for always praying for him since 2012 when he underwent an operation and requested them to keep praying for him. He used the opportunity to remind the people about BAAF program: Saturday 21/10/2023 in Rukiga at kitanga, 28/10/2023 in Rukungiri at Nyakibale, 5/11/2023 in Kanungu at Makiro and climax at Rushoroza Cathedral on 25/10/11/2023.

Mr. Tumukwasiibwe Nicodemus Odo, chairperson Parish council of Christ the king parish Kabale who doubles as the chairperson laity council for Kabale Diocese thanked the Bishop for giving them zealous and hardworking priests who are transforming the parish. Mr. Odo informed the Bishop and Christians present that Christ the King parish Kabale is located within two districts of Kabale and Rubanda, with the latter taking the bigger part of the parish. He pointed out the different project that have been accomplished e.g purchase of a plot of land in kabale town, renovation of the children’s chapel, preparing and establishment of Ihanga hiika, construction of priest’s house in Muchahi sub parish. Other parish projects to be undertaken include procurement of a new and bigger parish generator, opening a new hiika at Bunyonyi, developing the parish plot but in quarters (long term), continue supporting small Christian communities (obutaagi), strengthening the boda boda association and market vendors in leadership, and income generating activities and also linking them to opportunities in government and private sector among others.

Hon. Dr. Nicholas Kamara the legislator for Kabale Municipality thanked the Bishop for the pastoral visits and the parish administration for the different projects undertaken. he used the platform to advise the youth to shun different vices eg. lies, impatience, defiance to parents, alcoholism among others. when these are dealt with, the success and good health will be theirs. he also urged people to embrace government programs eg. vaccination against hepatitis B, cancer of the cervix among others in order to have good health.
Hon Catherine Ndamira, woman MP for Kabale district thanked the Bishop for confirming 604 candidates into the Catholic faith. She expressed concern over the latest reports showing increased cases of rape, early pregnancies, and early marriages and urged the youth especially girls to take care of themselves. She also urged parents to take the lead in protecting their children and having time for them.
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I was blessed to know A fellow brother in Christ , many years ago at St.Raymond parish Detroit Michigan USA…..Fr.Emiliano Ahurwendeire….in my prayers I pray for him as I ask him to remember me…..He made me realize what A universal church we really are……
Thank you for remembering him.