A total of 621 children have been baptized, 56 couples wedded and 312 adults welcomed into the Catholic faith in the month of November as part of the pastoral approach in the initial preparation of centenary celebrations of Our Lady of Good Shepherd Rushoroza Cathedral Parish. Rushoroza Cathedral Parish is set to celebrate 100 years of existence as oldest parish in Kabale Diocese on January 7, 2024. It was established as the very first mission in Kigezi by Bishop Henri Streicher (Stensera) on November 1, 1923 as one of the parishes under Mbarara Vicariate.

Fr. Austen Christmas, the Parish Priest of Rushoroza Cathedral Parish congratulated those received into the Catholic faith, those baptized, those confirmed and those who exchanged their marriage vows. He urged them to remain faithful to their baptismal promises and to keep their commitment. He requested parents of the baptized to always lead by example so that their children can be grounded and rooted in the Catholic faith. He also implored the wedded husbands and their wives to keep loving each other, working together and having time for prayer together.

Fr Austen Christmas then invited all Christians from Rushoroza Cathedral Parish and outside the Parish to the official launch of the preparations on Centenary celebrations on Sunday, December 10, 2023 in Rushoroza Pastoral Centre and reminded Christians of Rushoroza Cathedral Parish that those who wish to baptize their children or those who want to join the Catholic faith or those who want to receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony to approach their catechists in their respective out stations (hiikas) for preparation and instruction.

Mrs. Honest Niwagaba, the Vice Chairperson Parish Council of Rushoroza Cathedral Parish thanked the Parish Priest and his team members (Fr. Garasiano Maniragaba and Fr. Frederick Rutinaki) for the good work they are doing in Rushoroza Cathedral Parish. She said they have done great pastoral work and brought many people into the Catholic faith. She congratulated those had been received into the Catholic faith received, and parents who brought their children for baptism and confirmation. She also congratulated the newly wedded couples and encouraged them to remain in that love which Christ had united them with.

Mrs. Honest Niwagaba thanked the Parish Council and catechists for supporting Fr Christmas Austen and the priests in the apostolate and called upon all the faithful of Rushoroza Cathedral Parish and well wishers to work together and cooperate especially in the preparations for the Parish Centenary Celebration which will be held on January 7, 2024.
This Post Has One Comment
This is so powerful, glory to God.
Evangelization is vital so happy for divine teaching about Faith, True and devoted Faith speaks alot to Humanity! Thanks Diocesan Communications Office for spreading the message, Congratulations Bishop, Rector Rushoroza Cathedral and all in the Ministry including Holy Family & Catholic Charismatic Renewal. It is through the Ministries of CCR that fruits yield as Intercession, Hospitality, Praise and Worship, Teaching & Healing and Delivarence.
I tell you preaching speaks more to a soul for total repentance and conversion amen.
Happy Festive seasons