A total of 355 candidates were confirmed into the Catholic faith during Mass presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira at Our Lady of Assumption Rwanyena Parish. Bishop Callist administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 141 boys and 214 girls on Friday November 17, 2023. During his preaching, Bishop Callist reminded Christians that Christ asks of of them to sweeten the earth and enlighten the world by taking his light to all.
Bishop Callist said that St. Paul sets an example while writing his letter to the Galatians. He was a Jew, persecutor of Christians, but the power of God changed him from being a persecutor to a preacher of Christ. St. Paul teaches us that nothing is impossible for the power of God.
Bishop Callist inquired if there could be some things in your life that you think are impossible for God. He said that St. Paul testifies that even before he was born God had already set him aside though he later strayed. God sent Ananias to baptize him and that he would be his witness to the gentiles.

Do not conform to this world
St. Paul learnt of this and writes to Romans by telling them not to be conformed to this world but rather be transformed (Romans 12:2). Bishop Callist reminded the Christians not to cling to what does not conform to the life of Christians. The Jews and Gentiles were enemies, but Paul was chosen by God to be an Apostle to the Gentiles. He accepted and made many missionary journey, established many Christian Communities and all the ends of the earth indeed saw that God is for all.
You Christians should not set barriers and divide people because you are one in Christ God calls each one of us individually, so treasure your particular vocation. The God who called you gave you his Holy Spirit as we read in 1 Cor 1:7, no gift of the Holy Spirit is missing in you. God cannot give you the burden to carry which you cannot manage. he can’t test you beyond your capacity – Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira.
He implored parents who embraced this vocation to live up to the promises they made when receiving the sacrament of matrimony. At baptism, the parents receive from the priest an Easter candle on behalf of the children to always keep it burning. in case it is extinguished, the light of Christ is always burning, go back to him and rekindle yours.

Have time for God
In the Gospels, Martha is seen preparing for any visitor looking for food. but Mary her sister sits at the feet of Jesus to listen to what this visitor has come to share with their family. Let us always give time to Jesus, listen to him. in the book of Revelation 3:20 Jesus says “behold I stand at the door, whoever opens, I will sit with him”.
Do I have time for him? do I listen to him (time for meditation) or am even asking for this and that?
Let’s take the example of Mary who gets to listen to him. this does not mean we stop other works, but we divide our time and allocate him some time too.
Chairperson of Rwanyena parish council Hon. Nshangabashaija Nelson thanked the Bishop for the good work he is doing in the Diocese. He thanked him for giving them hard working priests Fr. Deus Musinguzi, Fr. Boniface Barisigara and Fr. Nkurunziza Martin
312 small Christian Communities (obutaagi), 38 out stations (hiikas), 17 milukas, 6 Eucharist centres and 38 catechists. The parish has 2 secondary schools namely: St. Barnabas S.S Karujanga and Assumption Vocational S.S, 9 Catholic founded primary schools and 2 private primary schools.
He highlighted some of the parish projects of 40 acres of tea and 70 acres to plant. have a farm of cows and goats. they have started a parish Sacco and so far 59.8m on the account. In plan to plant hans avocado and encourage Christians to do so. plan to construct lookups for renting so that the parish can get some income. the parish church is 75% complete and thanks to the Christians who work hard to complete. There is plan of upgrading Rwanyena Health Centre II to health Centre III.
Some of the challenges highlighted include long distances for Kahungye and Karujanga to the parish hinders the elderly and requested that they be given parish so that services could come closer to them. parish administration is planning to make home to home visitation inspecting the family projects that could bring the household income. There is also plan to construct new priests’ house to a standard and modern one.

Hon. Catherine Ndamira, Woman MP Kabale district asked the confirmands to thank their parents for taking care of them and making them smart. She thanked the women in Rwanyena parish for working had to boost their household income. she urged the confirmands to use the gifts of the holy spirit, develop their talents, love and help their parents, love each other and stay in school until they finish studies.
In his remarks, Fr. Boniface Barisigara on behalf of the parish priest Fr. Deus Musinguzi thanked the Bishop for the pastoral visit to Rwanyena parish. He thanked the Bishop for the big contribution of roofing Rwanyena parish church and the Christians were grateful. He also thanked Eng. Ndamira Didas, husband to Hon. Catherine Ndamira for the contribution on the parish church.