Ten seminarians were installed to ministries of Lector and Acolyte, initial and basic ministries that are received by seminarians on their priestly training, while other nine seminarians were admitted as candidates for major orders, a ceremony which was held in Rushoroza Cathedral on Sunday, August 4, 2024 and presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese.

Bishop Callist Rubaramira with priests, seminarians and choir after Mass on Sunday.

Preaching during Mass, Fr. Placid Mugumya, Bishop’s Secretary Kabale Diocese said the Israelites on their journey from Egypt met many challenges, but cried to Moses and Aaron, yet it was God who provided for their needs by giving them manna and quills. In the Gospel of John, Jesus reminded his followers that he is the bread of life, that spiritual food given to them for spiritual life. Fr. Placid reminded the seminarians who were installed as Lectors and Acolytes to have special attachment to the Blessed Eucharist since they were going to serve at the table of the Eucharist.

Seminarians who were installed as lectors and acolytes pose for a photo with the choir after Mass on Sunday

Ten seminarians were installed to ministries of Lector and Acolyte, initial and basic ministries that are received by seminarians on their priestly training.  The seminarians who were installed to these ministries are:

  1. Rev. Arnold Kateregga – Kambuga Parish
  2. Rev. Denis Uwimana – Kinanira Parish
  3. Deus Atuheire – Rwanyena Parish
  4. Rev. Eudecious Ainomugisha – Rubanda Parish
  5. Rev. Isaaya Gumisiriza – Nyakibale Parish
  6. Rev. Innocent Nahwera – Rwengiri Parish
  7. Rev. Julius Turinawe – Nyakibale Parish
  8. Rev. Martin Manzi – Rushoroza Cathedral Parish
  9. Rev. Martin Niwagaba – Muko Parish
  10. Rev. Noah Mashemererwa – Rubanda Parish

Shortly before their installation, Bishop Callist thanked parents for witnessing the installation of their sons and he urged them to accompany their sons with prayers on their journey to priesthood. Bishop Callist also implored the parents to always be near their sons and admonish them wherever they try to go wrong.  The Bishop also called upon the seminarians to be men of prayer, because when they are disconnected from Jesus, their ministry will be in jeopardy.

If you feel prayer is not an attraction to you, just you be sincere to yourself and waste no time because there is no shortcut to priesthood. Be genuine to yourself and be a man of prayer. Love the word of God, and take it to others – Bishop Callist Rubaramira.

Bishop Callist also reminded the seminarians to be near the youth and children in their pastoral spiritual year in the different parishes of appointment. In these parishes the youth and children are the majority and so the bishop encouraged the seminarians to be near them and bring them to Christ. The Bishop noted that many parents no longer have time to teach religion to their children thereby urging the seminarians to take up this role in their parishes of appointment.

By your example, people may come to know God and be guided by his word, let it have meaning in your lives and from that, other people will be attracted. If the word of God does mean much to you, it will not mean much to the people you have been sent to – Bishop Callist Rubaramira.

In the same Mass, nine seminarians were also admitted as candidate for major orders as a stage of preparation to be ordained deacons next year. After admitting them, Bishop Callist urged the candidates to remain focused and continue discerning their vocation.  He also urged their parents to keep praying for them on their journey of vocation. The nine candidates included:

  1. Adon Aturinda – Nyakishenyi Parish
  2. Cyril Arthur Ayebazibwe – Rwanyena Parish
  3. Cyrus Aharizira – Makiro Parish
  4. Deusdedit Niwagaba – Rushoroza Cathedral Parish
  5. Ivan Ndamira – Mutolere Parish
  6. Joseph Twizerimana – Mutolere Parish
  7. Justus Turyatunga – Rubanda Parish
  8. Peregrine Binomugisha – Christ the King Parish Rukungiri
  9. Sostine Mugisha – Muko Parish
Seminarians who were admitted as candidates for Major Orders

Fr. Kenneth Birungi, the Vocations Director for Kabale Diocese thanked the Bishop for installing seminarians as lectors and acolytes and admitting others as candidates for Major Orders. He thanked him for loving seminarians and nurturing vocations in Kabale Diocese. He thanked the seminarians for accepting the call of God and urged them to keep focused till the end. He also thanked the parents for journeying with their sons and urged them to continue praying for them and supporting them on their journey to priesthood.

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